Pistol shrimps | Ft. Thanos


Similar at the hands huh?

Pistol shrimps are not an ordinary ones they have two irregular sized 'claws', the larger one is used as an handgun. IT has two muscle fibres for pulling it's claw.

Both the muscles conjoin to the upper 'Jaw' of it's claw. One of the muscle constantly pulls the 'jaw' towards the lower one (Which doesn't move at all). When shrimp needs to, it pulls the 'jaw' away from the lower one and the jaw sort of cocks in by some internal support creating tension, when the upper muscles releases the 'jaw' it snaps almost instantly because of the force of the constantly pulling second muscle. This breaks hydrogen bonds at the molecular level releasing enormous amounts of energy in form of heat and produces shock waves 
which stuns it's prey and eats them. The only problem is it is very close to blind and cant see it's predators mostly until it is too late for flight that's why they are equipped with this extra power.
 By snapping its claw, a pistol shrimp produces one of the loudest sounds in the ocean. In comparison, a lion can produce a sound around 115 decibels, while a pistol shrimp can top it off at 210 decibels underwater. They produce this loud sound by constantly and rapidly closing their claw.

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