Sea cucumbers | Bad breathers | Holothuroidea


Parastichopus Californicus

They're named for their unusual shape that resembles a fat cucumber. These creatures are invertebrates. They do not have cartilage instead too. These structural supporters are reduced to a cluster of specialized cells (Sclerocytes) which are further made up of Micro calcite crystals in a unique three dimensional way called "Stereom". These belong to Echinoderms and have one of the most intriguing defense mechanisms in whole animal kingdom. All Sea cucumbers breathe through their anus in rhythmic relaxation and contraction of their external anus sphincter. Some of them even ingest food from backside.

 When it comes to defense they exhibit the most mind boggling intuitive methods like the 


When sighted by the predators these cucumbers with the aid of the (MCT) Mutable Collagenous Tissue which undergo Extreme changes in passive mechanical properties in under than 1 second. They react to proteins in their bodies which are secreted under conscious neural control and muscle co-ordination which can either make the muscles and organs loose and tight at molecular level. In simple it kind of liquidizes it's organs squish them outside through their anus and solidify outside only possible because of the MCTs. 

It pushes out all the organs like guts, stomach and other lower digestive organs. These look disgusting and also repulsive also a signal of warning for the predators (also confuses then because only these animals do so in the whole world), even if they still insist upon the linings of the organs that are ejected out are coated with Venomous substances that are too lethal even to touch them, Holothurin (Venom)- named after their scientific name.

and other methods include camouflage and flight etc ….

Not only methods they are even weird and crazy in shape and look pretty spooky.

Enypniastes or also called as "Headless chicken monsters" because they look so....

There are about 1250 of them, they are the most maddening stupefying mystical crazy weird creatures (At least of what I know) as mentioned above they breathe through their anus. This water then enters a special organ only found in sea cucumbers called "RESPIRATORY TREE". Which separates water from oxygen releases water out and further more it reproduces asexually.

 Comment below for any suggestion, stay tuned for next blog 😊👍😃.
Maanavendra Roy,



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