Some Eagles !! | Bird Kings

The Philippine Eagle (named the national bird of the Philippines in 1995) is one of the rarest birds in the world, with an estimated population of fewer than than 500 individuals. It has brown and white-colored plumage, a shaggy crest, and generally measures 86 to 102 cm (2.82 to 3.35 ft) in length and weighs 4.04 to 8.0 kg (8.9 to 17.6 lb.)  Upon its scientific discovery, the Philippine eagle was first called the monkey-eating eagle because of reports from natives of Bonga, samar where the species was first discovered, that it preyed exclusively on monkeys. the alleged monkey-eating eagle also ate other animals, such as Colugos, large snakes, monitor lizards and even large birds such as Hornbills.

Philippine eagle has a wingspan of 184 to 220 cm. Additionally, they have been known to attack inanimate objects for practice, as well as attempt to hang upside down to work on their balance. These are the apex predators of their habitat and also considered as on of the strongest and largest of eagles (After harpy and Stellar sea eagles)  

This is the fearsome Harpy Eagle. Mighty and about a meter long weighing between 6 to 9 kg. This eagle is considered the strongest eagle. They can lift up to 18kg (40lb) and more with into the sky while flying (recorded, might be more in the wild). These flying beasts native to the African continent have big and sharp claws and big toes. Harpy eagle talons grow up to 5 inches long comparable to a typical kodiak bear with claws about 3-5 inches long.  

A photo/reference to get a better understanding of it's size (Compared to a human)

Stellar sea eagles are also incredibly strong and huge. Their length (beak to the feather of it's tail) being about a meter whilst their wingspan measures up to 2 - 2.5 meters (6.5 - 8.3 feet). They feed on mostly sea food hence sea eagle also sometimes known as Pacific sea Eagle. Their reason for relying on sea food majorly is that they are a good resource of calcium and iodine required for maintaining healthy bones. For such a large bird body and to flap it's huge wings muscles need a strong support , their bones. They live mostly towards the coastal areas and sometimes hunt larger animals like arctic fox, seals and hares. 

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