Symbiosis in waters | pt.3
A hydrothermal vent is an opening of the ocean's sea bed to inside, most of the times these vents release hot gasses that escape the earth's mantle and reach there like sulfur, carbon, zinc, hydrogen, copper and iron. Creatures which live near these vents oxidize the released substances into organic compounds etc producing oxygen as byproduct and using the energy released to do work and sustain their lives. This mode of nutrition using energy released during chemical reaction instead of synthesizing sunlight or preying on other organisms is called "Chemosynthesis". Animals such as tube worms, scale worms, and limpets are some examples of them. Vent shrimp ( Alvinocaridid decapod ) also live around vents and have chemosynthetic bacteria inside them, which synthesize and give energy to the shrimps they are in. This is yet another example of Endo-Symbiosis ( being beneficial to both ; mutualistic and one living in side of other ).