Dolphins | Cetaceans


Dolphins are the smartest of the cetaceans. The taxonomical group Cetaceans also comprises of porpoises and whales besides dolphins. They have lungs and breathe through their blow hole on their back, they are mammals and birth to young. They also lactate, in other words milk - feed their young ones. They are one of the most intelligent animals, with on of the largest ever measured body to brain size ratio. They are incredibly smart and social. 

Dolphins despite looking adorable are hunters, sometimes on the ocean's most cruel ones anyone has seen. They have teeth and are group hunters. They feed on smaller fish, squid and other invertebrates. Their bodies are smooth and streamlined and they have unrealistic maneuverability while swimming. 

Upon birth, the young one is nurtured and taught swimming, hunting and tactical skills. They have complicated social relationships like humans in a harmonious community of about 10000 strength in general. They call each other by names. They can learn, identify and read symbols. They also understand simple to medium commands by sign language or symbols. They have customs and regional practices. They mourn at their fellow's death. They have formed multiple languages depending on regions. ( Like how Americans speak English and Italians speak Italian though all are humans, one single species. )

Dolphins also use sponges as tools and pufferfish as a ball to play !!!

They can solve puzzles and perform calculations. They are of 40 different extant species, with a range of lifespan from 50 to 90 years in the wild. 

**Orcinus Orca,
a.k.a Killer whales are most terrifying of the dolphins. Together in groups they hunt animals as large as adult full grown and mature blue whales !!
Their sonic speeds of 54kmph under water and an inexhaustible stamina is the deadliest combination for their prey. The largest Orca ever recorded till now was about 32 feet and weighed about 10 tonnes !!**

**Stenella longirostris,
 a.k.a the spinner dolphins are remarkably known for their gymnastics like their spinning dive !!

Dolphins also have an ability to see their surroundings without using their eyes. They produce a high frequency sound and listen careful to whatever is reflected back from the surfaces it hits and based upon the reflected sound they can perceive shape and textures without actually seeign them. This may rather like an estimate but is very sensitive in dolphins as they can differentiate between ping pong and golf balls of same size solely based upon the density.

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