Scorpions | Ultra-fast Stingers


Scorpions are the descendants of one of the earliest land animals, Approximately from about 400 Million years ago. Scorpions have bee on earth from before the dinosaurs !!

**According to a study published on January 16, 2020, scientists have identified fossils collected 35 years ago as the oldest-known scorpion species. They are one of the earliest predators on earth. This prehistoric scorpion species predates the dinosaurs, suggesting that scorpions have been on Earth for at least 437 million years. Some of the extinct species of Scorpions are about 5 foot long and they have an Exo -skeleton made up of iron and zinc like an armored gladiator !!

Most of them are nocturnal. They have up to 2 - 5 eyes on each side. Despite many eyes their eyesight is poor but their are extremely sensitive to UV light and surprisingly star and moonlights. They have pincer like limbs called "Pedapalps" and a stinger at their back called "Telson", through which they access poison into their prey or whatever it stings. 

**Mesobuthus Tamulus ( Red Indian Scorpion ),
is one of the most lethal scorpion native to India. It's stings can cause severe pain and also life threatening medical conditions.**

Besides having a metal armor, their underside is weaker and sensitive. It's armor is thinner there. Also right after it's legs, it has a pair of comb like organs called "Pectines", with multiple nerve endings. They have a special type of hair present on their pectines called "Peg Sensilla". These hairs are mechanoreceptors and chemical receptors, sensing the changes in the environment and signaling to the brain in order to perceive senses like Like taste, smell and touch. The hairs on their legs sense vibrations in the air. 

They hold their prey with their Chelicerae and release digestive fluids on them by mouth, after digested they are sucked and further digested internally. They live about 2 to 6 years in the wild and longer in captivity. They are solitary except few species. They can live 12 months without food at all and are found on every continent except Antarctica.

As they have Exo-skeleton they molt, 3 to 9 times in their lives and stop molting after reaching sexual maturity.

**One of the fossils of the extinct prehistoric species of Scorpions ( due to greater Atmospheric pressure)**

Also when a Scorpion stings, a combination of staggering 40 muscles co - ordinate for this movement.

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J. Maanavendra roy,
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