The Weirdos | Hairy Frogfish | Hilarious walkers


These are Carnivorous. They have dorsal fin and coral like appearance and texture. They hide among corals camouflaging from their prey and waiting for something to come by.

They can also change their color and have a dorsal fin. These fishs' pectoral fins are modified into some what leg shapes, looking almost as legs in some species for enabling to walk on the seafloor. Thus they are very slow at swimming than walking in water !!

That is possible because of holes present at the back of their each pectoral fin, which acts as nozzle for a rocket, letting out water at high speeds acquiring jet propulsion. The real special weapon of this fish is in it's though.

Their mouth becomes 12x times larger in volume when open than closed. This creates a temporary vacuum which pushes water into it's mouth and whenever a fish comes closer to it's mouth they just open their mouth completely, catching the prey with the least energy possible whilst giving no chance to escape. The fastest recorded bite in the animal kingdom (duh!) is of a Hairy Frogfish, i.e. (1/6000th of second) < 0.17 milliseconds !!

Sometimes in spite of having such agility in it's mouth, as it waits for prey couple hours and occasionally days pass off. For this they have come up with a thin worm like projections on it's forehead called "Illicium" and "Esca". These attract fishes that eat worms. Frogfish cannot afford losing any opportunity at all, their stomach can expand such that they eat lunch that is of twice their body size.

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