Giant Trevally | Birds v.s. Fish


These fish are solitary and live in depths between 30 to 600ft below the sea level. They are aggressive hunters found all along Indian and pacific oceans. They swim at a staggering 60kmph. They live about 20 to 30 years in the wild. They have forked tails with its base reinforced with special scales called "Scutes", providing more protection to their tail fins. Some trevallies even have the ability to raise all their scutes up when threatened, which might be a warning or intimidatingly prominent to it's predators. They are known for their recent (on an evolutionary timescale) adaptation of preying on terns. 

At the coast of the Andaman Islands, the migratory birds have their rest and favorite breeding spot. The young chicks hatch, grow and must learn to fly before the spring arrives. The chicks often climbing off the cliff at the edge of the island to learn flying, turn out to be sitting ducks (Literally) i.e. the chick ends up resting on the water surface unknown of the danger lurking beneath.

These fish can calculate the air flow, direction speed and also trajectory of a typical bird. They are usually solitary but schools of the await at the shores and coasts of the islands during the season. 


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