Shoebills | The Modern Dinosaurs | Birds v.s Fish

Shoebills are most closest creatures to modern dinosaurs. Big, strong and mighty with terrifying stare. They prey on fishes, snakes, lizards, reptiles and sometimes even Crocs. 

These extremely huge beast with about 2.6 meters (8.5 feet) wingspan and are act aggressive for food and territories. Their bills are a foot long making one of the longest of all birds. These guys can just bite fishes into halves. 

They communicate by clattering with their beaks, "Sledge Hammer" as they are called.
 They have extraordinary strength in their muscles, very hollow bones that even one standing at over 4 feet on average weighs less 4.5 kg !!

Their favorite diet though is undoubtedly fishes and especially Lungfish. Their beaks are built for fishing with a safety hook at the end to prevent the fish slipping from their mouth.

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