Flying Spiders | Ballooning Spiders ? | Insectile Worlds


Ballooning spiders also known as flying spiders, despite not being a bird or a bat flies in the air. Not even like gliders.

These spiders take it to the air seeming effortlessly. Although it's still at the peak of it's debate, the reason for it's flight or rather how does it fly is still being formulated.

The leading theory suggests that they use the electrical disparity between ground and the sky to repel from the ground. The electrical difference between ground and the sky is the same reason for the occurrence of lightnings.  

Lightnings occur due to the discharge of ions which are accumulated on each of the each making it partially charged or polar which is attracted by the ground of opposite charge.

Some other theories suggest might just fly with the wind or a mixture of both. 
All that is known for sure is they shoot out a long thread of their silk before flying.

Until just recently, (2 yrs ago) the answer seemed to settle on the static electricity and wind too, by the University of Bristol.

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