Trapdoor spiders | Private Property

These spiders are unique amongst their relatives and have a very distinct adaption for acquiring It's food. They build a trap door with mud and soil using their web as support and glue and hide in the burrow under the trapdoor. Yes they even dig Burrow !!
This the Trapdoor spider a.k.a "Ctenizidae"

Whenever a prey passes by the trapdoor, the spider sensing the movement from under comes out in a split second and snaps it's prey.

These spider live in the tropical region. According to records, they are the strongest spiders and can resist a force up to to 38 times it's weight. This is equivalent to a man pulling open a door, which is being by a jet plane towards the opposite side of a the man. These spiders are mostly non-toxic and no lethal comparatively.

They have modified jaw called "Chelicera" which has multiple projections used for digging called as Rastellum. They are also known for their smart ways and methods of hunting. They are also extremely fast in responses and has a lifespan of about 5 to 20 yrs in the wild.

Chinese Trapdoor spider, Cyclocosmia ricketti 

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